Free online hidden object games

Mystery Case Files: Huntsville: Investigate Huntsville crime spree. Find enough clues to put the criminals behind bars forever.

Mystery Case Files: Prime Suspects: The Queens Hope Diamond has been stolen! Search for clues, find the offending culprit, and recover the stolen gem.

Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst: Discover the secrets behind the locked doors of the Ravenhearst Manor.

Mysteryville: Something very strange is going on in the town of Mysteryville and its up to you to find the truth.

Paparazzi: Become the paparazzi and snap pictures of celebrities like Paris Hilton or Michael Jackson to win the mission.

Christmasville: Santa Claus is missing! Help the amazing creatures of Christmasville discover the truth in this crazy adventure!

Azada: Trapped in a magical puzzle book, the adventurous Titus needs your help to release him from his spell.